Unfortunately it is not as simple as that. One reason you might be making this request is to exercise your privacy rights, which vary, depending on the jurisdiction of your primary residence. We understand the concern for privacy, the various privacy laws , and the various requests you can make in regard to your privacy. We endeavor to follow all laws including privacy laws. Keep in mind that some laws even within the same jurisdiction can be in conflict. Generally speaking, companies are sometimes not allowed to break other laws to comply with privacy laws, for example, tax laws. In the EU which has strict privacy laws, under EU tax law (Article 63C of Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 282/2011), we are required to keep certain customer information. Therefore, because of these types of reasons, we cannot completely delete all accounts. However, we can delete some of your account information that we are not required to keep under tax laws or other laws. Keep in mind, if you ask for your account information to be deleted, your account including licensed content and race data will not be recoverable. We also, regardless of request, delete much of the personal information that we can while still complying with the laws.
Although we put a premium on maintaining a secure site, here are some additional things you can do on your end if you are concerned :
1. Delete any payment information on file from our secure processor.

Click EDIT and you can then choose the red X to remove your payment form.

If you purchased with Venmo, please go to 'Settings' in the Venmo app and tap on 'Connected Merchants'. Select the merchant you want to stop making purchases with, and tap 'Disconnect' at the bottom of the screen. Even if you disconnect your Venmo account from iRacing, it may still appear as a payment option. However, iRacing won't be able to charge your account if you've disconnected it through the Venmo app.
2. Change your Email address and password. This can be done by logging into iRacing, click the helmet at the top right and choose Account...Manage My Account. From the Account page, click either the Change My Password button, and/or Change My Email Address button and follow the rest of the online instructions.
3. Change your name. Please see our FAQ regarding Name Changes.
You can also find more information in our Privacy Policy.
If there is anything else you need regarding this, please email [email protected].