If you see this error message while trying to update the iRacing software, please try and go to where you have iRacing installed (by default that is C:\Program Files (x86)\iRacing) and right click on the file called "version_system.txt" choose Rename and change the name to something like "version_system.txt.old".

Then log back into iRacing and you should then be prompted to update. This should resolve this issue for you. If not, please let us know.

If you continue having this issue, please delete the folder called "downloads" that is currently in your C:\Program Files (x86)\iRacing folder.

After that please then change the Content Delivery Network, reboot your computer, and try it again, please.

To change your Content Delivery Network preference, follow the steps below.

1.  Log in to iRacing

2.  Select My Account from the Account menu

3.  Choose Limelight or Cloudfront in the drop-down next to "Choose A Content Delivery Network" in the Preferences section

4.  Click Save

The No Preference option will randomly assign you to a CDN at the time of download.  This means that you can download from either CDN whenever you initiate the iRacing updater.

If you continue to have this issue, please try and again delete the "download" folder, (in your iRacing directory), then do a hard reboot of your modem and/or router.

Also, if you are running wirelessly, please try hardwired.