Maintenance Notifications

All scheduled updates/maintenance times are posted in the forums, in the header on the UI, in announcements on the main page of the members site, and on Twitter (@iRacingSupport).

  • You are able to use Demo Drive during all of our downtimes for updates/maintenance.
  • Demo Drive is where you can try cars before you buy them.
    • The newest cars become available in Test Drive typically during their second season on iRacing.
  • There is no option to test unowned tracks at this time.

Demo Drive How-to

Whenever you launch iRacing while we are down for maintenance, you may connect to Demo Drive, which lets you drive any content that is on your machine, so long as it is up to date. The Demo Drive screen contains links to our forums, status page, and for downloading updates while we are in maintenance.

If you need to update your installed content, click on the Download option at the bottom of the screen.

The Demo Drive service will be enabled prior to the beginning of maintenance. When we leave maintenance mode, Demo Drive will remain running for a period of time and a countdown will appear to let members know how long it will remain up. Navigation links to and from Demo Drive will be available in iRacing when Demo Drive is available.

You may use Demo Drive with ANY vehicles you have downloaded, even those you do not own. You may only Test Drive on tracks you own. 

If you have any issues or questions regarding Demo Drive, please reach out to [email protected].