Question: Can I use rain tires in dry sessions?
Answer: Yes, but you will be slow, and they will burn up quickly.

Q: Do rain tires overheat?
A: Yes, it is considerably hotter on a dry track

Q: Do rain tires wear quickly in dry/damp conditions?
A: Yes, very fast on dry

Q: How long will wet tires last?
A: 1-2 stints maximum, depending on water depth

Q: Are rainlines faster than they are in real life?
A: The normal racing line becomes polished from cars driving on it over time, so that surface will be the slickest in the rain. Because of this, you will have to drive off the regular racing line to gain the maximum amount of grip, which will be faster in most cases, just like it is in real life. You must also be mindful of how much rubber has been laid down on the surface, as those areas will be slicker. A heavily rubbered-in track will have a noticeably lower grip level on the racing line when it starts to rain.

Q: Do all official sessions have rain?
A: Rain is possible in all series running cars that have rain tires except for rookie series. It will never rain in a rookie series.

Q: Can fixed race sessions have rain?
A: Yes, and tire selection will be adjustable in the garage, even in fixed setups.

Q: Are there any series where it's always raining?
A: Yes, but only during week 13.

Q: Will I need to change the setup of my car for the rain?
A: Changing the car's setup will help handle the rain, but remember that the session conditions may change. The three things you will want to do are:
1) Adjust the brake bias rearwards. The front will lock more readily in the wet, and since the fronts clear water for the rears, the bias can and should be adjusted rearwards to improve braking capability. Generally, the heavier the rain, the more rearwards you will want to move the bias. Brake bias adjustment is especially important for cars without ABS.
2) Switch to wet ABS and TC settings tuned for wet tires if available.
3) Fitting wet tires should be your first change when it rains! Because of their increased tread depth (about double that of the slick tire), wet tires often have a larger diameter than dry tires. Rain tires will increase the ride height of your setups, which may change the car's aero balance; you should be aware of this when changing from wet to dry tires in the garage.

Q: Can I control how much it rains and when it rains?
A: Yes, our new weather system has the TimeLine feature, which allows you to control the weather. For example, you can make it rain heavily and allow the sun to come out in 15-minute time blocks.

Q: Can I select a historical date from a famous race, and will the weather be the same?
A: No, however, you will be able to use our timeline feature to recreate historical scenarios

Q: Can AI be used in the rain?
A: Yes! Please go to What content is currently available on AI for rain-enabled AI cars and tracks.

Q: If rain tires wear out, do they become slicks?
A: Yes, the tire tread will wear out, so the tire will no longer be suitable in deep water, but a slick tire will often be faster once the track dries since the wet compound won't survive the higher operating temperatures.

Q: Will all cars have rain tires?
A: No, some cars, like the Ray FF1600, don't have a separate rain tire in real life, so they use the same tire for both dry and wet tracks.

Q: How do I change to rain tires.

A: On cars with separate rain tires, you can change to rain tires in the Garage, or during a pit stop by either selecting them in the black box controls or using the #tc Pit Macro.

Q: Will all cars be rain-enabled?
A: No. Please go to Rain-Enabled Tracks and Cars for a complete list.

Q: Will NASCAR have rain enabled now that they can race in the rain in real life?
A: No, we have yet to develop oval track cars that can handle rain, but it is possible.

Q: Will incident points be reduced in the rain?
A: No, the incident system will remain the same as in the dry, so be careful and drive smart!

Q: How does rain impact system performance?
A: Surprisingly, very little! In our testing, users saw an FPS decrease of less than 10%. Many different video card and CPU combinations exist, so your results may vary. Still, we hope the average user will see no impact on performance or only a minor one.

Q: How far in advance will I know if it will rain? Before I sign up? The start of the week?
A: While the forecast will be the same throughout the race week, each time slot will have unique weather related to that forecast. Racing earlier in the week will not give a competitive advantage where someone can build a strategy in advance.

Q: When does the weather start deviating from the forecast? Does it only start deviating once Qualifying or Race starts?
A: Forecast Weather is predicted six hours before the first Session of an event.
(even the weather before a Practice session can deviate - say there's a chance of rain in those pre-6-hours; some sessions could start wet, some may not)