
- A new Connection Black Flag system has been implemented in iRacing!

- - The Connection Black Flag system serves to keep our competitive racing environment fair, stable, and predictable for all drivers. This system keeps a close watch on the stability of all drivers’ connections to the race server and is able to detect issues with variance over time. If a driver’s connection is repeatedly fluctuating to an unacceptable degree within a certain span of time, that driver may be served with a Connection Black Flag.

- - A Connection Black Flag immediately teleports the racer to their pit box and applies a tow timer, removing them from the track to ensure a positive racing experience for all other participants.

- - A driver served with a Connection Black Flag will see a notice on the screen informing them as to why they were moved to the pits, and it presents them with two options: wait in the pits or begin Ghost Driving. Regardless of the driver’s choice, while serving a Connection Black Flag, the driver is not scored and may not make any progress in the event. The driver must wait until the race server determines that their connection is stable enough to allow them to rejoin the event. When a driver’s connection becomes stable again, the Connection Black Flag will be removed, and they will re-enter the simulated world from their pit box and may rejoin the race.

- - - If a driver already serving a Connection Black Flag chooses to Ghost Drive, any damage or penalties accrued while Ghost Driving are carried over into the event if they are able to return.

- - - During Team events, if a driver for a team receives a Connection Black Flag, the team may perform a driver swap to try and improve their connection to the race server. If the connection stabilizes with the new driver, the Connection Black Flag may be removed.

- - - A driver already serving a Connection Black Flag whose connection remains unstable for an extended duration may also receive a notice informing them that the quality of their connection will not allow them to rejoin the event.

- - A Connection Black Flag will not be applied to a driver who suffers a single lag spike. The system operates by taking into account both quality of connection and duration of variance.

- - A Connection Black Flag will not be applied to a driver who suffers from a relatively high ping value that remains consistent. Consistency and stability of connection are more important to the race server than ping.

- - The Connection Black Flag system will only be active in specified Official Series. Any Official Series where it is active will be denoted. While this system is still new, it will be in use sparingly while we tune and collect data. We anticipate it will be extended to more events in the future as it is improved.