2020 Release Notes

2020 Season 4 - Release Notes [2020.09.08.01]
This season release includes two new vehicles, three new tracks, driver customization, environmental sounds, NASCAR pit lights, extensive updates for the Mc...
Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 7:54 AM
2020 Season 4 Hotfix 1 Release Notes [2020.09.10.02]
This Hotfix contains some fixes for the 2020 Season 4 Release. iRACING UI: Up Next and Series - Fixed an issue with the time display and Series Name on...
Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 9:28 AM
2020 Season 4 Patch 1 Release Notes [2020.09.16.03]
2020 Season 4 Patch 1 Release Notes [2020.09.16.03]   This Patch contains some fixes and updates for the 2020 Season 4 Release. iRACING UI: Paint Shop ...
Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 8:53 AM
2020 Se.4 Pa.1 Hotfix 1 Release Notes [2020.09.21.01]
2020 Se.4 Pa.1 Hotfix 1 Release Notes [2020.09.21.01]   This Hotfix contains some fixes for the 2020 Season 4 Patch 1 Release. iRACING UI: (04.18.13) Tr...
Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 8:41 AM
2020 Season 4 Patch 2 Release Notes [2020.09.29.01]
2020 Season 4 Patch 2 Release Notes [2020.09.29.01] This Patch contains some updates and fixes for the 2020 Season 4 Release. CLASSIC MEMBERSI...
Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 8:27 AM
2020 Season 4 Patch 3 Release Notes [2020.10.07.02]
2020 Season 4 Patch 3 Release Notes [2020.10.07.02]   This Patch contains some updates and fixes for the 2020 Season 4 Release. iRACING UI: Create a Rac...
Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 9:53 AM
2020 Season 4 Patch 4 Release Notes [2020.10.21.02]
2020 Season 4 Patch 4 Release Notes [2020.10.21.02]   This Patch contains some updates and fixes for the 2020 Season 4 Release. iRACING UI: Loading Scre...
Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 8:54 AM
2020 Se4 Pa4 Hotfix 1 Release Notes [2020.10.28.02]
This Hotfix contains a trunk-load of iRacing UI updates and fixes, and some fixes for the 2020 Season 4 Patch 4 Release. iRACING UI: Account - A new ta...
Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 8:42 AM
2020 Season 4 Patch 5 Release Notes [2020.11.19.01]
This Patch contains some updates and fixes for the 2020 Season 4 Release. iRACING UI: (4.20.07) Up Next - Fixed an issue where the "Rank...
Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 9:44 AM